Proverbs 31:25-26

'She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is always on her tongue.'
Yup, that's who I want to be!


My testimony....

I was an evil child. Lying, cheating, screaming, all of it. Honestly, I'm not sure how my family put up with me! So, personally, I never had to question if I was naturally good or bad. From the time I could do anything, I did things that were obviously wrong- they were sins. The question was if I could ever be better. 
I grew up in a loving, Christian home and attended church. There was never a time when I didn't know who God was. When I was four, I sincerely asked Jesus to 'come into my heart', a simple expression for 'God, please take everything I am and make it yours. I believe that Jesus came into this world and died and rose again, taking the penalty for sin and making it possible for me to be cleansed of the filth of sin, and part of God's family'.
However, as I grew older I had to grow in the full understanding of that. At twelve, I 're-dedicated my life to Christ', basically I'd transitioned to a deeper, more mature comprehension of God, and I made it clear that I was still choosing Him.

That wasn't the end of my troubles, for sure. Through my teen years I went through periods of rebellion and bad choices, but I learned of God's patience. I've wandered far, but I've realized that God never lets me go. He's always with me, and He always loves me. What more could I ever hope for?



I don't have anything super deep to say today... Which is weird for me! It's just tuesday. I'm sitting in theology class right now, listening to Ergun Caner talk. Yes, I'm blogging while in class. Does that make me a bad student? Cause I'm listening to him still. Multi tasking at it's finest :)

What's you favorite thing to multi task your way through?? Class? Work? Chores?
Mine is class.... I can facebook, I can text, I can email, I can blog, whatever! It's nice. However, there's one thing we shouldn't multitask our way through- time with God. There should be some time each day when we're not on the computer, we're not talking to people around you, not doing anything but fellowshipping with God. It's not about just doing a reading plan, or singing a song.... It's about spending time just focusing on being close with God. So read some, pray some, cry some, whatever. And if you're not sure, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into intimacy with God. Then, sit and wait. Be patient!

Let's be practical here, time to only do one thing is a luxury these days... Most people have a ton of things to do everyday, and the only way to get anywhere close to getting your to do list done is to do multiple things at once and rush through everything. But, time with God is not supposed to be an item on a checklist. We should not lump it in with all our earthly duties.

What earthly duty can you sacrifice to free up some undisturbed time with the Creator?

I guess I did have something deep to say... Comment your thoughts :)


God is my _______

     God is my Warrior, the Lord fights on my behalf. The strongholds that I can't see in my life crumble before His mighty power. He will not let me perish, He will hold me up in the days of trouble. He lifts me up, though sin would attempt to hold me down. He sees me as His precious daughter, He treasures me more than I could ever understand. He does not forget me, and He will never let me fight despair by myself. He is my defense. He does not 'run' to my aid, for He never left my side. He does not lose sight of me. He strikes down every weapon, every stronghold, and ever fear. He sets me free from the bondages of this world.

     God is my Shepherd. When I stray far He calls my name, He guides me back, He leads me. When I have no idea how lost I am, He comes after me. When I'm too dumb to see the predators of life, He pursues me to protect me. When I'm in a place of starvation, He calls me back to His feast of fellowship. When I forget how delightful our relationship is He takes away the things I let distract me- He makes me remember that He is all the fulfills me. When I feel like I'm in a place of utter aloneness, He holds me tight. When I think that all is for naught, He reminds me of His great plans for me and tells me to trust and follow Him.

    God is my Love. Love is not something I posses naturally,  it's something I've been given from God to share with others. Love of this world is dirty, Love of the Holy One is pure. Love is His nature, nothing apart from Him can have love in it. Love in the world comes from God, if it isn't from God it isn't really love. Love from my Creator is what gets me through life; Love from my Abba is all that I can rely on.

     God is my Rock. The world is ever changing, always frightening, never stable, consistently intimidating- but God is who He always has been and always will be. Whatever this life throws at me, God is who He always has been and always will be. Whoever comes into my life, whoever leaves my life, God is who He always has been and always will be. No matter what I do or how I fail, God is who He always has been and always will be. Despite what the world tries to sell me, God is who He always has been and always will be. Always, eternal, never ending, never changing, the perfect foundation, the only absolute, beginning and end, was, is, and is to come- God is who He always has been and always will be.